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Global Goals Jam
Our Client and SponSors
Gemeente Eindhoven, Microlab Eindhoven
What We Did
Workshop development, event management
Release Date
September 2022
Make the Sustainable Development Goals relevant in your local reality
Since 2020, we have been initiating the Global Goals Jam movement to Eindhoven, with the question: how do we make these 17 high-level global goals relevant for our local reality?
In collaboration with SOW, we co-created and co-facilitated the program of Global Goals Jam 2023: a full day brainstorm focused on ideation around finding solutions for complex challenges related to the SDGs. We created a custom workshop approach, tailored to the needs of NGOs and public institutions who want to bring the SDGs closer to the core of their operations.
Sponsored by Gemeente Eindhoven and Microlab, we were able to connect the local SDG community to 4 great organisations who brough their challenges to this event: Bibliotheek Eindhoven, FutureProof Eindhoven, GGD Brabant-Zuidoost and Leger de Heils Eindhoven. Each organisations left with concrete SDG solutions, ready for implementation.